You are invited to attend a talk by former CNN correspondent and bureau chief Mike Chinoy taking place next Monday 2 April at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information at NTU.
Assignment China: The Week that Changed the World

A talk by Mike Chinoy

CNN’s First Beijing Bureau Chief & Former Senior Asia Correspondent and Senior Fellow, US-China Institute, University of Southern California

Monday 2 April 2012, 3:30-5:30pm*

TR+7, Level 2

Wee Kim Wee School of Communication & Information

Nanyang Technological University

31 Nanyang Link Singapore 637718

*Please note that there will be no documentary screening on 2 April. You may watch the one-hour documentary before attending Mike’s talk:

Click here for details and directions.

As seating is limited, please RSVP by Friday 30 March, 12 noon to Ms Apple Poh, with your name and that of your guests and their organisations (if any). Light refreshments will be served.


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