Lunch Talk

“Traditional and online media in the new normal”

Guest Speaker
Dr Yaacob Ibrahim
Minister for Information, Communication and the Arts

Monday, 23 April 2012 12.15 to 2.00pm
Grand Copthorne Waterfront Hotel 392 Havelock Road, Singapore

The media landscape in Singapore is shifting, with fewer young adults picking up newspapers and watching TV news and preferring to rely on online and social media for information instead. New media also played a significant role in the General and Presidential Elections in 2011, with younger Singaporeans expressing their desire for a greater plurality of views in political decision-making.

Here’s an opportunity to hear the views of the Minister in charge of Information, Communication and the Arts in Singapore and his views on the interplay between mainstream media and new media and prospects for both platforms in the next few years.

To attend the lunch talk, please fill in the Response Form and send it together with your payment to The Secretariat (see attached).


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