Terracotta Warriors: The First Emperor and His Legacy
Date: Saturday, 3rd September 2011
Time: 11am
Place: Asian Civilisations Museum, 1 Empress Place
Feast your eyes on the striking terracotta army from China’s Shaanxi Province that some hail as the most important archaeological discovery of our time. Be amazed by the lifelike pottery soldiers and horses that were buried near the tomb of Emperor Shi Huangdi. This exhibition also features important bronzes and jades from the Qin state.
The tour is free-of-charge. To register, pls email: secretariat@pressclub.org.sg by Tuesday 30th August giving your name, membership number, validity of membership and current occupation. Your guests are welcome but kindly register in advance.
Queries? Contact Press Club MC member Carol Foo @ 81137055 or ACM’s Ho Binjin @ ho_binjin@nhb.gov.sg