By Mr Patrick Daniel
Singapore Press Club


Hitting 50 is an achievement even in the best of times for any organisation. For the Singapore
Press Club, to have reached this milestone after more than a decade of media disruption, and in a global pandemic too, is surely worth celebrating.

Since its inception on June 19, 1971, the Press Club has been the place for media professionals to dock, talk shop, and take stock of what we do. We’ve kept going, despite the many challenges and the madder world we live in.

In better times, we’ve gone on overseas goodwill missions – to Japan, Oman, Slovakia, Estonia, Kazakhstan, Iran, Romania and more – discussed topical issues at club talks and events, enjoyed our golf games, bonded over Makan Kaki social gatherings, and had fun at our annual Press Ball events.

And when the pandemic put a stop to in-person social interactions, we pivoted to webinars and Zoom dinners, and even enjoyed online trivia nights.

What’s remained constant is the warm camaraderie among our members, borne from shared experiences in our respective roles in the media, and being blessed doing meaningful work in professions we love.

Our vision today also remains the same – to be a purposeful networking organisation serving a vibrant media community in Singapore, across all platforms and all media-related professions, and dedicated to their professional development too.

As our 50th year as a Club approached, we took a bold decision to professionalise the running of our Club, appointed a general manager, converted the Club from a society to a company limited by guarantee and rebranded ourselves. We also appointed fund managers to invest our reserves, to earn higher returns so that we can step up our activities.

We are therefore well-poised to take the Club into the next 50 years. We hope to do much more for our members and work with partners, both local and international, to offer a rich and varied programme of activities and benefits.

And when the pandemic passes, as it eventually must, we’ll resume our social activities with a vengeance!

We look forward to your continued active support and participation in our programmes.

Lastly, I must thank the Club presidents before me, and management committees too, for the foundation they laid. Our current team and I will continue to build on their good work.

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