Fancy a Saturday walk with nature? Join in the club’s trip to the Sungei Buloh Wetland Reserve (SBWR), one of Singapore’s best and the first wetlands reserve to be gazetted here.

Its global importance as a stop-over point for migratory birds was also recognised by the Wetlands International’s inclusion of the reserve into the East Asian Australasian Shorebird Site Network. SBWR was listed as an ASEAN Heritage Park in 2003.

Our trip is made special as participants will also be put through a basic bird watching and photography course by Mendis Tan, SBWR’s Conservation Manager and an accomplished photographer of birds. He will personally take us through the nature walk to experience the beauty and ecological diversity of the wetlands.

And with tips on bird watching, look out for copper-throated sunbirds, the scarlet-backed flower pecker, Oriental Pied Hornbills, white-bellied sea eagles, storks and migratory shorebirds. The wetlands are also known for its crabs, fish and reptiles, including huge monitor lizards, and if you are in luck, crocodiles!

Date: Saturday, 13 October 2012
Time: 8.00am – Meet at SPH News Centre front car park (return by 2pm)
Fee: $5 (members) $10 (guests), including lunch and transport from News Centre to Sungei Buloh and back and entrance fees.

Because of restrictions on the number of people at the reserves at any one time, we can take only a maximum of 35 persons. Priority is for club members and spouses and children of members above 16 years (in that order). Unfortunately, younger children are not allowed on this nature and bird watching walk.
Those interested, please register immediately with the Secretariat.

Zhong Hua
Committee Member


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