What are the current issues, job opportunities and training available for the media and marketing  industry?  A webinar discussion on Tuesday 11 November 2020  was held to address burning questions for the panellists from Singapore Press Club (SPC), National Trades Union Congress (NTUC)/UPME and the Market Research Society Singapore (MRSS).


Many thanks to the panel of speakers – Lau Joon Nie, Vice President of Singapore Press Club, Manisha from Republic Polytechnic and MRSS and Melvin Yong, Assistant Secretary General, NTUC for sharing their insights about how #PMETs can successfully transition into this industry and opportunities in the new trend of digital media, marketing and PR. Thanks to Selena Oh from Write Sel Communications & member of Singapore Press Club for Moderating the session and keeping the session engaging with lots of questions from webinar attendees.

If you’ve missed it, you can view the session recording from this link.https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?v=3781624071871937&ref=watch_permalink


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