These are uncertain times. We have curated some reading materials from reliable news sources available for you to sign up for free newsletters or just click and read. We have also compiled a number of funding schemes available for freelancers, journalists and organisations looking to create innovative community news making projects, or just to help fact-checking. Hope the links below are helpful.
You can sign up for free to read newsletter published by Wan-Ifra with information on news publishing around the world:
Here’s the fortnightly World Editors Forum newsletter:
New Trends in Newsrooms report: Amplifying Women’s Voices
Apr 8 Cherilyn Ireton, Executive Director, World Editors Forum, WAN-IFRA:
A resource curated by women is an interesting map tracking women journalists covering Covid-19. Women journalists here can add themselves to that map too:
Racism, misinformation, inclusion: How to ethically cover COVID-19
Three editors on the frontline of covering the COVID-19 pandemic joined Fergus Bell, CEO of fathm, in a WAN-IFRA webinar share insights into how to improve the quality of coverage and distance journalism from the sea of misinformation:
FUNDING Journalism Emergency Funds Around the World Apr 16 Written By Vincent Peyrègne
Google launched a global journalism emergency relief fund to help small- and mid-sized newsrooms around the world. There’s no mention of fund size or grant size. There’s an emphasis on speed – Google will process applications on a rolling basis ahead of the April 29th deadline.
The Institute for War & Peace Reporting has financial support available for Southeast Asia organisations and journos to quickly design, test, and launch covid-related projects. Programs could include Fact-checking, Participatory virtual projects (i.e. virtual COVID-19 hackathons and community- driven documentations); Reporting on COVID-19 to promote accurate information and the identification of misinformation and disinformation; Radio programs;Virtual newsroom mentoring to improve reportage of COVID-19 from different perspectives (community or specific sector; country; region); Knowledge-sharing sessions around COVID-19 and its aftermath; Other projects that support the key goals of fighting disinformation, misinformation and rumor around COVID-19 in local communities. Award ceiling up to $10,000. Applications should be submitted via e-mail by Noon EST April 30, 2020 to: IWPR will confirm receipt of all proposals and their eligibility. More details of eligibility check out this link.\Singapore put together measures to help media production professionals and freelancers.
Some of that support will go into video and film production. Grants are provided to help media practitioners affected by cancelled and postponed projects.
We will continue to comb the media news world and provide curated information of importance to professionals in the media and corporate world. Till the next one, have a safe and good week ahead.
Janet Wee General Manager
Janet Wee – Ng
M : +65 96190208