Dear Member

You are invited to attend the screening of the Singaporean drama film Jimami Tofu, written, produced and directed by Jason Chan and Christian Lee and starring Japanese actress Mari Yamamoto.

Cast: Jason Chan, Mari Yamamoto, Rino Nakasone, Masane Tsukayama, Christian Lee


A Chinese-Singaporean chef, formerly working in Tokyo, finds himself in Okinawa begging a disgruntled old chef to teach him traditional Okinawan food. A top Japanese food critic finds herself in Singapore on an eye-opening discovery of South-east Asian cuisine. Both are also looking for each other after an emotional breakup years ago. Emotionally crippled by their breakup he searches her home-town for her but discovers instead the art of traditional Okinawan food. Through it he learns the incredible balance of two cultures: Chinese and Japanese – a balance they never had in their relationship. When she suddenly appears in Okinawa looking to find closure, he cooks and serves her their final meal. Through it she discovers what she had been yearning for all these years.

Trailer link:

Details of the screening

Date: March 13, 2019

Time: 7pm

Theatre: GV Plaza Singapura

Go to this GV link and book your own tickets:

Jason Chan and Christian Lee will be available to chat with Singapore Press Club members after the screening.


Best regards

The Secretariat

Singapore Press Club



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