Dear Member,

Feast your eyes on highlights from 3 special exhibitions at the National Gallery.
Confirmed participants will have reserved spots @ the evening guided tours for the public.

Wu Guanzhong – A Walk Through Nature (

Chen Chong Swee – Strokes Of Life (

Xiu Hai Lou Exhibitions – Rediscovering Treasures: Ink Art (

Time: 5.30pm Guided Tour
Dates: April: Friday 13th , Saturday 14th, Sunday 15th – RSVP to Secretariat by 12th April
Dates: April: Friday 20th, Saturday 21st, Sunday 22nd – RSVP to Secretariat by 17th April
In your RSVP, please state your Name, Designation & Organisation, Nationality. Your guests are welcome to join you.


Free Admission: All Singaporeans, Permanent Residents and Non-Singaporean/PRs who are members of the media
Fee $20: Non-Singaporeans who are not members of the media
Apart from the guided tour, participants can visit all exhibitions at the National Gallery.

Best regards
Carol Foo
Management Committe Member
Singapore Press Club


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